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Healthy U: DEMO
01: Welcome to Puberty Hall
01.1 Intro (1:41)
01.2 Teens (1:31)
01.3 Info Film (16:34)
01.4 . Activity / Game
01.5 . Drama (4:32)
01.6 . Imagination Challenge (0:58)
01.7 Puberty Hall Complete!
02 Birth Control Hall
02.1 Intro (0:49)
02.1 . Teens (2:12)
02.3 . Info Film (10:28)
02.4 . Activity / Game
02.5 . Drama (6:21)
02.6 . Imagination Challenge (0:28)
02.7 . Birth Control Hall Complete
03 Teen Pregnancy Hall
03.1 . Intro (0:31)
03.2 Teens (1:57)
03.3 Info Film (9:28)
03.4 Activity / Game
03.5 Drama (10:43)
03.6 Imagination Challenge (0:21)
Pregnancy Hall Complete!
04 STD Hall
04.1 Intro (0:36)
04.2 . Teens (1:35)
04.3 . Info Film (16:17)
04.4 . Activity / Game
04.5 . Drama (14:41)
04.6 . Imagination Challenge (0:25)
04.7 . STD Hall Complete!
05 HIV Hall
05.1 . Intro (0:36)
05.2 . Teens (2:30)
05.3 . Info Film (18:17)
05.4 . Activity / Game
05.5 . Drama (17:42)
05.6 . Imagination Challenge (0:20)
05.7 HIV Hall Complete!
06 Healthy Relationships Hall
06.1 . Intro (0:54)
06.2 . Teens (1:31)
06.3 Info Film (9:34)
06.4 . Activity / Game
06.5 . Drama (15:28)
06.6 . Imagination Challenge (0:45)
06.7 . Relationships Hall Complete!
07 Condom Negotiation Hall
07.1 . Intro (0:50)
07.2 . Teens (2:42)
07.3 . Info Film (7:00)
07.4 Activity / Game
07.5 . Drama (5:20)
07.6 . Graduate Healthy U! (0:49)
02.3 . Info Film
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